helpful stuff | resources | calculators
still discovering … . . . acidome In my opinion the best dome-calculator out there. https://acidome.com/ Paul Robinson So much passion & knowledge for geodesic structures! Thx Paul! https://geo-dome.co.uk/ domegaia A link to a basic zome-calculator. domegaia.com/zome-calculator
small zome12 idea
. . . #zomodomo #zome12 #goodkarma #designinspiration #organic #architecture #sketchup #smpldomes #zometastico #oxo #hoft #jurtemitschwung #2022
zome12 frame studies again
. . . #zomodomo #zome12 #greenhouse #designinspiration #organic #architecture #sketchup #2022 #smpldomes #jurtemitschwung #zometastico
spiral zome12 test
. . . #zomodomo #spiral #architecture #smpldomes #zometastico #2022
back to shelter zome 6+
. . . #shelterzome6 #zomodomo #zome6+ #shelter #philippines #designinspiration #architecture #sketchup #smpldomes #zometastico #wvww #gpc #oxo #2022
simplified version of the zome6 variant
. . . #zomodomo #zome6+ #shelter #designinspiration #architecture #sketchup #smpldomes #zometastico #2022
still exploring zome12 frame basics
. . . #zomodomo #zome12 #greenhouse #designinspiration #gpc #smpldomes #jurtemitschwung #zometastico #2022
smpl zome6 variante … . . . #zomodomo #zome6+ #shelter #designinspiration #gpc #smpldomes #zometastico #2022
zome12 greenhouse ideas
small greenhouse zome12 ideas … . . . #zome12 #greenhouse #designinspiration #gpc #smpldomes #jurtemitschwung #zometastico #2022